Securing the MikroTik RouterBOARD RB751G-2HnD (or any RouterOS device) – the bare minimum
Before you do anything else with the MikroTik RouterBOARD RB751G-2HnD, or any other device running RouterOS with a default configuration...
Fixing missing menu entries of Opera and Skype in Debian GNU/Linux
Unfortunately the third-party packages of Opera and Skype do not contain menu entries for the Debian menu system. Not very...
Skapa en webbplats med WordPress
Jag upptäckte att .SE tydligen har skrivit många bra guider, om Internet- och webrelaterade ämnen. Bland annat har de skrivit...
GNS3: Build and configure a CCNA PPP lab using GNS3, dynamips, and vpcs
Cisco’s Packet Tracer works for very basic labs, but it has so many irritating small things that are missing, that...