Seed starting in a new plant plug box

I recently bought a new plug box from Nelson Garden at Granngården, that we planted with a few different things. The plug box has 49 plugs, a lid and can be watered from the bottom. I used seed starting soil (såjord) bought at Lidl when planting, not all of the seeds have sprouted yet, but most things have.

Seeds planted

AJalapeno M, chiliJalapeno M, chiliCherry tomatoesCherry tomatoesTumbling Tom, tomatoTumbling Tom, tomatoChili, red, longish
BWelsh onionsWelsh onionsWelsh onionsWelsh onionsWelsh onionsWelsh onionsWelsh onions
CWelsh onionsWelsh onionsWelsh onionsWelsh onionsWelsh onionsWelsh onionsWelsh onions
DWelsh onionsWelsh onionsWelsh onionsWelsh onionsWelsh onionsWelsh onionsWelsh onions
ECucumber, freelandCucumber, freelandLeekLeekLeekLeekLeek
FBrokviol, Tiger EyeBrokviol, Tiger EyeBrokviol, Tiger EyeBrokviol, Tiger EyeBrokviol, Tiger EyeBrokviol, Tiger EyeBrokviol, Tiger Eye
GBrokviol, Tiger EyeBrokviol, Tiger EyeBrokviol, Tiger EyeBrokviol, Tiger EyeBrokviol, Tiger EyeBrokviol, Tiger EyeBrokviol, Tiger Eye

Sprouting and first growth

Plug box with sprouting plants.

After a few days some of the seeds had sprouted.

Cucumber true leaves after seed start

Tonight it looks like this, the cucumber has really grown well since the seed starting and has started to grow its true leaves. The Tumbling Tom tomatoes have not sprouted yet, I hope that they will soon. The mystery chili, in lower left in the photo above (I turned the box around, the position of this chili is A7 in the table) has started growing too, it is a seed from a red long, thin chili fruit that we bought in an Asian delicacy/specialist store, I don’t know what kind of chili it actually is. Last year we also planted some seeds of the same kind, and it grew quite well, it was planted late in the summer though, so it didn’t have time to give any fruits.

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