Fixing missing menu entries of Opera and Skype in Debian GNU/Linux
Unfortunately the third-party packages of Opera and Skype do not contain menu entries for the Debian menu system. Not very...

Modems & Bulletin Boards, The Computer Chronicles
This Sunday’s video (I will from now on try to post atleast one video from this series, or another, each...

3 WordPress plugins
Yesterday I decided to change the permalinks structure of this site. I wondered if WordPress had redirection built into to...

Restaurang Emanuel lägger ner verksamheten
Eftersom de själva, på sin egen webplats, http://restaurangemanuel.com/ endast har lagt ut ett Microsoft Word-dokument, tänkte jag att någon bör...

A revised opinion on apache2-mpm-prefork and apache2-mpm-worker, and php5 and php5-cgi on Debian, regarding performance
It’s now over a year since I wrote about “Exchanging apache2-mpm-prefork for apache2-mpm-worker, and using php5-cgi on Debian to improve...

Slowdown in Silicon Valley #2, The Computer Chronicles
Part two of this special series looking at the causes of the downturn in the computer industry. Guests: Ben Anixter,...

Slowdown in Silicon Valley #1, The Computer Chronicles
A review of the reasons behind the current slump in the computer business. Guests: Dave Crockett, Dataquest; Sam Colella, Inst...

UNIX, The Computer Chronicles
This is a very interesting episode, if you watch it, you can often draw paralells to todays reality, and can...

Fri mjukvara i svensk skola, tyvärr en nyhet
Det är ganska bedrövligt att detta är en nyhet, att det inte är normen nuförtiden. IDG har skrivit en artikel...

Skapa en webbplats med WordPress
Jag upptäckte att .SE tydligen har skrivit många bra guider, om Internet- och webrelaterade ämnen. Bland annat har de skrivit...