beardy's blog

There is a bakery/pastry shop/patisserie very close to where I live, I went there today to buy two Gustav II Adolf pastries. They can vary a bit from shop to shop, these ones were quite nice. Marzipan around it, some creamy thing mixed with strawberry, with sponge base in the middle, topped with two kinds of creamy.. creams, and the obligatory dark chocolate medallion on top. Apparently the medallion can be made of marzipan too, but I have only seen Gustav Adolf pastries with the chocolate medallion. Since I bought two, I have one left for.. later.. soon.

Gustavus Adolphus Day is celebrated in Sweden each year on November 6. On this day only, a special pastry with a chocolate or marzipan medallion of the king, is sold. The day is also an official flag day in the Swedish calendar. In Finland, the day is celebrated as svenska dagen or ruotsalaisuuden päivä, “Swedishness Day”, and is a customary flag day. In both countries, November 6 is the name day for Gustav Adolf, one of the few exceptional name days in the year. Read more

Hi, I’m beardy

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