It’s autumn, the leaves are coloured, and many have fallen off the trees. It was very windy yesterday here, but today it had calmed down mostly. I went for a little bikeride in the afternoon, which made me feel a lot better than I was.. It’s good to have friends that care, and tell you to get up and break a bad pattern of thoughts.. you know who you are.

I shall print a map of the nearest surroundings and a bit outside of the city so I know where I am another time, I just kept a straight line, and then returned the same way, I haven’t been in that direction before, but next time it would be nice to go further and along the canal, there’s an area called “The Canal Forest” (translated), outside of the city, to the southwest, which would be interesting to have a look at. Then I got some groceries on the way home, and had a nice cup of coffee. Loosely measured, I think the little trip was ~7km. I’m glad I brought mom’s old bike here, it’s so nice to have the front basket when shopping, not having to drag shoppingbags all the time, even though one can’t get as many things each time, I do have a bag to have on the back of the bike though, but that’s more hassle than it’s worth I think.
I’ll start adding some photos to the gallery now I think, there’s a lot, but I guess I’ll just start somewhere.